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제임스 올리버 커우드의 용기 있는 신사_야생의 소설

A Gentleman of Courage _ A Novel of the Wilderness

영어로 읽는 고전 _ 제임스 올리버 커우드의 용기 있는 신사_야생의 소설 제임스 올리버 커우드의 "용감한 신사: 야생의 소설"은 20세기 초에 쓰인 소설입니다. 이 이야기는 캐나다의 자연 속에서 전개되며, 피에르 구르동과 그의 아내 조셋이 개척자 생활의 도전을 헤쳐 나가는 모습을 중심으로 전개됩니다. 자연과 모험에 대한 깊은 사랑을 지닌 피에르는 신앙과 결단력을 지닌 사람으로 묘사되며, 자연에서 피할 수 없는 시련에 직면하면서도 가족을 위해 새로운 집을 짓고자 합니다. 소설의 시작 부분은 피에르와 조셋이 주변의 아름다움에 취해 Five Fingers라는 이름의 장소에 새로운 집을 마련하는 것을 생각하는 고요한 7월 오후를 묘사합니다. 피에르의 아들 조가 야생 딸기를 따는 것을 좋아하면서 이웃 도미니크와의 ..
영어로 읽는 고전 _ 제임스 올리버 커우드의 용기 있는 신사_야생의 소설
제임스 올리버 커우드의 "용감한 신사: 야생의 소설"은 20세기 초에 쓰인 소설입니다. 이 이야기는 캐나다의 자연 속에서 전개되며, 피에르 구르동과 그의 아내 조셋이 개척자 생활의 도전을 헤쳐 나가는 모습을 중심으로 전개됩니다. 자연과 모험에 대한 깊은 사랑을 지닌 피에르는 신앙과 결단력을 지닌 사람으로 묘사되며, 자연에서 피할 수 없는 시련에 직면하면서도 가족을 위해 새로운 집을 짓고자 합니다. 소설의 시작 부분은 피에르와 조셋이 주변의 아름다움에 취해 Five Fingers라는 이름의 장소에 새로운 집을 마련하는 것을 생각하는 고요한 7월 오후를 묘사합니다. 피에르의 아들 조가 야생 딸기를 따는 것을 좋아하면서 이웃 도미니크와의 친밀감이 형성되어 지역 사회 의식과 공유된 열망을 보여줍니다. 이 이야기는 가족에 대한 그들의 꿈과 단순한 삶의 기쁨을 포착하고, 야생의 예측 불가능성에 대한 암시를 통해 야생에서 만족스러운 삶을 창조하려는 그들의 탐구에서 마주하게 될 투쟁을 예고합니다. 모험, 가족, 그리고 인간과 자연의 유대감이라는 주제를 위한 무대를 마련한 풍부한 서론입니다.

A Gentleman of Courage _ A Novel of the Wilderness by James Oliver Curwood
"A Gentleman of Courage: A Novel of the Wilderness" by James Oliver Curwood is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds in the Canadian wilderness, centering around Pierre Gourdon and his wife Josette as they navigate the challenges of pioneering life. With a deep love for nature and adventure, Pierre is depicted as a man of faith and determination, seeking to build a new home for his family while facing the inevitable trials of the wilderness. The beginning of the novel portrays a serene July afternoon where Pierre and Josette revel in the beauty of their surroundings, contemplating the settlement of their new home at a place they name Five Fingers. As Pierre’s son, Joe, delights in gathering wild strawberries, the camaraderie with their neighbor Dominique is established, showcasing a sense of community and shared aspirations. The narrative captures their dreams of family and the joys of simple living, as well as an undertone of the wilderness's unpredictability, foreshadowing the struggles they will face in their quest to create a fulfilling life in the wilderness. It's a rich introduction that sets the stage for themes of adventure, family, and the bond between humanity and nature.

Pierre Gourdon had the love of God in his heart, a man's love for a man's God, and it seemed to him that in this golden sunset of a July afternoon the great Canadian wilderness all about him was whispering softly the truth of his faith and his creed. For Pierre was the son of a runner of the streams and forests, as that son's father had been before him, and love of adventure ran in his blood, and romance, too; so it was only in the wild and silent places that he felt the soul in him attuned to that fellowship with nature which the good teachers at Ste. Anne de Beaupré did not entirely approve. Nature was Pierre's God, and would ever be until he died. And though he had crept up the holy stair at Ste. Anne's on his knees, and had touched the consecrated water from the sacred font, and had looked with awe upon mountains of canes and crutches left by those who had come afflicted and doubting and had departed cured and believing, still he was sure that in this sunset of a certain July afternoon he was nearer to the God he desired than at any other time in all his life.
CHAPTER I. Pierre Gourdon had the love of God
CHAPTER II. It was five years later
CHAPTER III. As long as men remain to tell the story
CHAPTER IV. It was the blue jay
CHAPTER V. Peter did not know when he fell asleep
CHAPTER VI. Beyond the thicket of young jack
CHAPTER VII. His first night in Five Fingers
CHAPTER VIII. Peter awoke with the dawn
CHAPTER IX. It was almost noon
CHAPTER X. Peter was conscious of the fact
CHAPTER XI. The moon did not come up that night
CHAPTER XII. The golden autumn
CHAPTER XIII. It was many minutes before Peter looked up
CHAPTER XIV. In the weeks and months following the plague
CHAPTER XV. Mona Guyon was not afraid
CHAPTER XVI. Under the ash tree
CHAPTER XVII. Quietly Mona went out to meet Peter
CHAPTER XVIII. For a long time they stood in the shadow
CHAPTER XIX. In that moment Mona felt for the first time
CHAPTER XX. For a few minutes after leaving the shore
CHAPTER XXI. Nine days Peter and his father spent in their hiding-place
CHAPTER XXII. In the long days and weeks
CHAPTER XXIII. Carter, as usual, had made his bed in deep
CHAPTER XXIV. Where the shadow of Pierre Gourdon's cabin

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