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알지스 버드리스의 어둠과 낮 사이

Between the dark and the daylight by Algis Budrys

영어로 읽는 공상과학 소설 _ 알지스 버드리스의 어둠과 낮 사이 Between the dark and the daylight는 Algis Budrys가 1958년 Infinity Octobe에 출간한 공상과학 소설입니다. Algis Budrys는 리투아니아 태생의 미국 SF 작가이자 평론가로, 1931년 리투아니아에서 태어나 2018년에 세상을 떠났습니다. 그의 작품은 1950년대와 60년대 SF 황금기에 큰 영향을 미쳤으며, 날카로운 심리적 통찰력과 독창적인 아이디어로 잘 알려져 있습니다. Budrys의 대표작으로는 소설 (Who? 1958)와 (Rogue Moon,1960)이 있습니다. 또한 그는 SF 비평 분야에서도 활발히 활동하였으며, The Magazine of Fantasy & Scien..
영어로 읽는 공상과학 소설 _ 알지스 버드리스의 어둠과 낮 사이
Between the dark and the daylight는 Algis Budrys가 1958년 Infinity Octobe에 출간한 공상과학 소설입니다.
Algis Budrys는 리투아니아 태생의 미국 SF 작가이자 평론가로, 1931년 리투아니아에서 태어나 2018년에 세상을 떠났습니다. 그의 작품은 1950년대와 60년대 SF 황금기에 큰 영향을 미쳤으며, 날카로운 심리적 통찰력과 독창적인 아이디어로 잘 알려져 있습니다.
Budrys의 대표작으로는 소설 (Who? 1958)와 (Rogue Moon,1960)이 있습니다.
또한 그는 SF 비평 분야에서도 활발히 활동하였으며, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction을 비롯한 여러 잡지에 비평 글을 기고했습니다. Budrys는 SF 장르에서 독특한 관점과 깊이 있는 주제 의식을 통해 대중과 평론가들로부터 찬사를 받으며 현대 SF 문학의 기틀을 다진 인물로 평가받습니다.

Reading Science Fiction in English _ Between the dark and the daylight by Algis Budrys
Between the Dark and the Daylight is a science fiction novel by Algis Budrys published in Infinity Octobe in 1958.
Algis Budrys was a Lithuanian-born American science fiction writer and critic who was born in Lithuania in 1931 and passed away in 2018. His works were a major influence on the golden age of science fiction in the 1950s and 1960s, and are known for their sharp psychological insight and original ideas.
Budrys's most notable works include the novels Who? (1958) and Rogue Moon (1960).
He was also active in the field of science fiction criticism, contributing critical articles to several magazines including The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. Budrys is widely regarded as a founding figure of modern science fiction literature, having been praised by the public and critics for his unique perspective and deep thematic awareness in the science fiction genre.

All they wanted was to see their own children. How could Brendan refuse?

"Between the Dark and the Daylight" by David C. Hodgkins is a science fiction novel written in the mid-20th century, exploring themes of survival and the struggle for power within a confined society. The narrative unfolds in a dome that shelters the last remnants of humanity, focusing on the protagonist Brendan, who grapples with his authority over a group of men facing the unknown dangers of their world outside. The plot addresses the complexities of leadership, the instinct for survival, and the relationship between generations as they prepare for their children to leave the safety of their manufactured habitat. The story centers around Brendan, who is the current leader in a closed dome where generations have lived after their expedition crashed on an inhospitable planet. Tensions arise as Brendan's authoritarian approach clashes with other members of the group who want more transparency and involvement in monitoring their children, who will soon venture into the dangerous environment outside. As the day of opening the gates approaches, Brendan wrestles with his control over the nursery and the lives of the children, balancing his duty for the greater good against the growing dissent amongst his peers. The narrative builds to a climactic moment where Brendan's choices lead to an eruption of violence, reflecting the intense fear and primal instincts of a community on the brink of extinction.

Algis Budrys의 'Between the Dark and the Daylight'(1958)는 인간의 내면과 현실 인식의 경계를 탐구하는 SF 소설이다. 작품은 빛과 어둠이라는 상징적 대비를 통해 인간 의식의 이중성과 진실 인식의 모호함을 다룬다. 특히 주인공의 심리적 변화를 통해 현실과 환상의 경계, 그리고 인간 정체성의 불확실성을 섬세하게 포착해낸다. 1950년대 냉전 시기의 불안과 의심의 분위기를 SF적 상상력으로 승화시켰다는 점에서 의미가 있으며, Budrys의 초기작임에도 그의 특징적인 심리적 통찰력이 잘 드러나는 작품이다.

Book Review
Algis Budrys's 'Between the Dark and the Daylight' (1958) is a science fiction novel that explores the boundaries between the human mind and perception of reality. The work deals with the duality of human consciousness and the ambiguity of perception of truth through the symbolic contrast of light and darkness. In particular, it delicately captures the boundaries between reality and fantasy, and the uncertainty of human identity, through the psychological changes of the protagonist. It is significant in that it sublimates the atmosphere of anxiety and suspicion during the Cold War in the 1950s with science fiction imagination, and although it is one of Budrys's early works, it is a work that well displays his characteristic psychological insight.
Algis Budrys는 1931년에 태어나 2008년에 사망한 리투아니아계 미국인 SF 작가이다. 본명은 Algirdas Jonas Budrys이며, SF 작가이자 편집자, 평론가로 활동했다. 그는 "Who?", "Rogue Moon", "Michaelmas" 등의 대표작을 남겼으며, 작품에서는 주로 정체성, 현실의 본질, 인간의 한계에 대한 철학적 주제를 다루었다. Writers of the Future 콘테스트의 조정자로 오랫동안 활동했으며, Tomorrow Speculative Fiction의 편집자로도 일했다. 또한 Galaxy와 같은 유명 SF 잡지에 평론을 기고하면서 1950년대부터 2000년대까지 SF 장르에서 중요한 영향력을 행사했다.
Budrys는 또한 영향력 있는 편집자이자 비평가였으며, 다양한 공상과학 잡지에서 일했고 이 장르에서 떠오르는 재능을 홍보했습니다. 그의 작품은 종종 철학적 주제와 인간의 상태를 탐구하여 공상과학 독자와 작가 모두에게 존경받는 인물이 되었습니다.
그의 작품들은 냉전 시대의 긴장감과 과학기술 발전이 인간성에 미치는 영향을 주로 탐구했으며, 2008년 일리노이 주 에반스턴에서 77세의 나이로 생을 마감했다.

Algis Budrys, born in 1931 and died in 2008, was a Lithuanian-American science fiction writer. His real name was Algirdas Jonas Budrys, and he worked as a science fiction writer, editor, and critic. His most famous works include "Who?", "Rogue Moon", and "Michaelmas", and his works mainly deal with philosophical themes such as identity, the nature of reality, and human limitations. He was a long-time moderator of the Writers of the Future contest and an editor of Tomorrow Speculative Fiction. He also contributed reviews to popular science fiction magazines such as Galaxy, exerting a significant influence on the genre from the 1950s to the 2000s. Budrys was also an influential editor and critic, working for various science fiction magazines and promoting emerging talent in the genre. His works often explored philosophical themes and the human condition, making him a respected figure for both science fiction readers and writers. His works explored the tensions of the Cold War and the impact of technological advancements on humanity, and he died in Evanston, Illinois, in 2008 at the age of 77.

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