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시어도어 드라이저의 제니 게르하르트
시어도어 드라이저(Theodore D
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세상의 모든 지식 도서관
Chapter I. One morning, in the fall of 1880
Chapter II. The spirit of Jennie—who shall express it
Chapter III. he junior Senator, George Sylvester Brander
Chapter IV. The desire to flee which Jennie experienced
Chapter V. Having been led by circumstances into an attitude
Chapter VI. The father of this unfortunate family
Chapter VII. Gerhardt was in despair
Chapter VIII. The significance of the material and spiritual
Chapter IX. Jennie took the paper with but ill-concealed
Chapter X. The world into which Jennie was thus unduly
Chapter XI. The incidents of the days that followed
Chapter XII. Bass was no sooner in Cleveland than the marvel
Chapter XIII. Bass met Jennie at the depôt in Cleveland
Chapter XIV. The days spent in the employ of the Bracebridge
Chapter XV. The return of Gerhardt brought forward
Chapter XVI. During the remainder of Gerhardt’s stay
Chapter XVII. The shock of this sudden encounter was so great
Chapter XVIII. Jennie was now going through the agony of one
Chapter XIX. The inconclusive nature of this interview
Chapter XX. As Lester came down-stairs after making his toilet
Chapter XXI. The arrival of this letter
Chapter XXII. The fatal Friday came, and Jennie stood face to face
Chapter XXIII. The business of arranging for this sudden departure
Chapter XXIV. The problem of the Gerhardt family
Chapter XXV. A month later Jennie was able to announce
Chapter XXVI. It would be useless to chronicle the events of the three years
Chapter XXVII. For three years now Lester had been happy
Chapter XXVIII. During the three years in which Jennie and Lester
Chapter XXIX. The reason why Jennie had been called was nothing more
Chapter XXX. The sullen, philosophic Lester was not so determined
Chapter XXXI. There was peace and quiet for some time after this storm
Chapter XXXII. The following spring the show-rooms
Chapter XXXIII. Outraged in her family pride, Louise lost no time
Chapter XXXIV. In this world of ours the activities of animal life
Chapter XXXV. In the meantime Jennie had been going through a moral crisis
Chapter XXXVI. The trouble with Jennie’s plan was that it did
Chapter XXXVII. The plan for a residence in Hyde Park
Chapter XXXVIII. Gerhardt, having become an inmate of the Hyde Park home
Chapter XXXIX. uring this period the dissatisfaction of the Kane family
Chapter XL. Lester returned to Chicago
Chapter XLI. But worse was to follow
Chapter XLII. The fact that Lester had seen this page was made
Chapter XLIII. This attempt at coercion was the one thing
Chapter XLIV. For a man of Lester’s years
Chapter XLV. It was while traveling abroad that Lester came across
Chapter XLVI. That night after dinner the music was already sounding
Chapter XLVII. The trip home did bring another week with
Chapter XLVIII. Lester had been doing some pretty hard thinking
Chapter XLIX. The peculiarity of this particular proposition was
Chapter L. While the real estate deal was in progress
Chapter LI. Lester had thought of his predicament earnestly enough
Chapter LII. The fact that Gerhardt was dead made no particular difference
Chapter LIII. The explanation which Lester had concluded to be inevitable
Chapter LIV. The little town of Sandwood
Chapter LV. The social and business worlds of Chicago
Chapter LVI. It is difficult to say whether Lester might
Chapter LVII. In the meantime Jennie was going her way
Chapter LVIII. Now that his engagement to Mrs. Gerald was an accomplished
Chapter LIX. This added blow from inconsiderate fortune
Chapter LX. The drift of events for a period of five years carried Lester
Chapter LXI. The days of man under the old dispensation
Chapter LXII. The end came after four days during