영어로 읽는 고전 _ 루비 M 아예의 독신 남편
"독신 남편"은 Ruby M. Ayres가 20세기 초에 쓴 로맨스 소설입니다. 이 이야기는 입양된 오빠인 Christopher Lawless에게 깊이 빠진 젊은 여성 Marie Chester의 삶을 탐구합니다. 그들이 함께 자라면서, 그들의 관계는 사회적 기대, 질투, 그리고 오해로 인해 복잡해지는데, 특히 가문의 유산과 관련된 애매한 상황에서 결혼하게 된 후 더욱 그러합니다.
소설의 시작에서, 우리는 Christopher를 보호자이자 권위적 인물로 여기며 평생에 걸친 애정을 품고 있는 Marie를 만나게 됩니다. Christopher가 점점 더 멀어지고 자신의 사교생활에 몰두하게 되면서 그들의 어린 시절의 관계는 변화하고, Marie는 그의 관심을 갈망합니다.
아버지의 죽음 이후, Marie의 삶은 Christopher와 얽히게 되는데, 이들은 주로 상속 재산을 확보하기 위해 결혼하게 됩니다. 하지만 그들의 어린 시절부터 이어진 관계는 곧 보답받지 못한 감정과 정서적 혼란으로 점철된 것으로 드러납니다.
Marie가 Christopher의 무관심과 사랑과 동반자 관계에 대한 자신의 열망 사이에서 고민하는 가운데, 이야기는 충성심, 그리움, 그리고 결혼 생활의 복잡성을 탐구하는 무대를 마련합니다.
Classics Read in English _ A Bachelor Husband by Ruby M. Ayres
"A Bachelor Husband" by Ruby M. Ayres is a romance novel written in the early 20th century. The story explores the life of Marie Chester, a young woman deeply infatuated with her adopted brother, Christopher Lawless. As they grow up together, their relationship becomes complicated by social expectations, jealousy, and misunderstandings, particularly after they marry under dubious circumstances tied to a family inheritance. At the start of the novel, we are introduced to Marie, who harbors a lifelong affection for Christopher, who she sees as both a protector and an authority figure. Their childhood dynamic shifts as Christopher grows increasingly distant and becomes absorbed in his social life, and Marie yearns for his attention. Following the death of her father, Marie's life becomes intertwined with Christopher when they marry, primarily to secure their inherited wealth, but their relationship from childhood soon reveals itself as one marked by unreciprocated feelings and emotional turmoil. As Marie grapples with Christopher's indifference and her own aspirations for love and companionship, the narrative sets the stage for exploring themes of loyalty, longing, and the complexities of marital life.
Among the contents
"Ah, then, was it all spring weather?
Nay! but we were young—and together."
SHE had always adored him. From the first moment he came to the house—an overgrown, good-looking schoolboy, and had started to bully and domineer over her, Marie Chester had thought him the most wonderful person in all the world. She waited on him hand and foot, she was his willing bondslave; she did not mind at all when once, in an unusual fit of eloquence, she had confided in him that she thought it was the loveliest thing on earth to have a brother, young Christopher answered almost brutally that she "talked rot, anyway, and that sisters were a bally nuisance!"
He looked at her with a sort of contempt for a moment, then added: "Besides, we're not brother and sister, really!"
서평(Book Review)
"독신 남편"은 20세기 초 영국 사회를 배경으로 한 감동적인 로맨스 소설입니다. 작가 Ruby M. Ayres는 입양 남매 사이의 복잡한 감정과 결혼이라는 제도 안에서 펼쳐지는 진정한 사랑의 의미를 섬세하게 그려냅니다. 특히 주인공 Marie의 내면 묘사를 통해 당시 여성들의 억압된 감정과 사회적 제약을 효과적으로 표현하였으며, 유산 상속이라는 현실적 문제와 순수한 사랑이라는 감정의 대립을 통해 독자들에게 깊은 공감을 이끌어냅니다. 이 작품은 단순한 로맨스를 넘어서 인간의 복잡한 감정과 관계, 그리고 성장을 다룬 수작으로 평가받을 만합니다.
"A Bachelor Husband" is a moving romance novel set in early 20th century British society. Author Ruby M. Ayres delicately portrays the complex emotions between adopted siblings and the true meaning of love within the institution of marriage. Through the protagonist Marie's inner narrative, she effectively expresses the suppressed emotions and social constraints of women of the time, while drawing deep empathy from readers through the conflict between the practical matter of inheritance and pure love. This work deserves recognition as a masterpiece that goes beyond simple romance to deal with complex human emotions, relationships, and growth.
Ruby M. Ayres는 1881년 영국 런던에서 태어나 1955년에 생을 마감한 영국의 대중소설 작가입니다. 그녀는 20세기 초반 로맨스 소설의 선구자적인 인물로, 1910년대부터 1950년대까지 매우 활발한 작품 활동을 펼쳤습니다.
Ayres는 100편이 넘는 로맨스 소설을 집필했으며, 그녀의 작품들은 당시 영국과 미국에서 큰 인기를 얻었습니다. 그녀의 소설은 주로 사랑과 결혼, 그리고 사회적 계급 간의 갈등을 다루었고, 특히 서로 다른 계급 출신의 연인들이 겪는 어려움과 극복 과정을 섬세하게 묘사했습니다.
그녀의 글쓰기 스타일은 감성적이면서도 현실적인 면을 잘 조화시켰다는 평가를 받았으며, 특히 여성 독자들 사이에서 큰 호응을 얻었습니다. 작품들은 대부분 신문이나 잡지에 연재되었고, 이후 단행본으로 출간되어 더 넓은 독자층에게 사랑받았습니다.
Ayres의 작품들은 당시의 사회상과 도덕관을 반영하면서도, 진보적인 여성의 모습을 그려내어 20세기 초반 여성 문학의 발전에도 기여했다고 평가받고 있습니다.
Ruby M. Ayres was a British popular fiction writer who was born in London in 1881 and passed away in 1955. She was a pioneer of romance novels in the early 20th century and maintained a prolific writing career from the 1910s through the 1950s.
Ayres wrote more than 100 romance novels, and her works gained significant popularity in both Britain and the United States. Her novels primarily dealt with love, marriage, and conflicts between social classes, particularly focusing on the challenges and triumph of lovers from different social backgrounds.
Her writing style was praised for successfully balancing emotional depth with realism, and she was especially popular among female readers. Most of her works were initially serialized in newspapers and magazines before being published as complete novels, reaching an even broader readership.
Ayres's works reflected the social conditions and moral values of her time while portraying progressive female characters, contributing to the development of women's literature in the early 20th century. Her novels were not only entertaining but also provided insight into the social dynamics and romantic relationships of her era.
Her enduring legacy as a romance novelist continues to influence the genre, and her substantial body of work demonstrates her significant contribution to early 20th-century popular literature. While maintaining traditional romantic elements, her stories often challenged social conventions and explored deeper themes of class mobility and women's autonomy.