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스티븐 말로의 매력 없는 세상

World Without Glamor by Stephen Marlowe

<영어로 읽는 공상과학 소설 _ 스티븐 말로의 매력 없는 세상> 스티븐 말로(Stephen Marlowe)가 1953년에 출간한 과학소설이다. Stephen Marlowe는 Goya, Christopher Columbus, Miguel de Cervantes, Edgar Allan Poe의 공상과학 소설, 미스터리 소설 및 허구의 자서전을 쓴 미국 작가다. This is a science fiction novel published in 1953 by Stephen Marlowe. Stephen Marlowe is an American author of sc..
<영어로 읽는 공상과학 소설 _ 스티븐 말로의 매력 없는 세상>
스티븐 말로(Stephen Marlowe)가 1953년에 출간한 과학소설이다.
Stephen Marlowe는 Goya, Christopher Columbus, Miguel de Cervantes, Edgar Allan Poe의 공상과학 소설, 미스터리 소설 및 허구의 자서전을 쓴 미국 작가다.

This is a science fiction novel published in 1953 by Stephen Marlowe.
Stephen Marlowe is an American author of science fiction, mystery novels, and fictional autobiographies of Goya, Christopher Columbus, Miguel de Cervantes, and Edgar Allan Poe.

Colonists on Talbor had little time for anything but work, which was bad for morale. So Earth sent a special ship—with a unique cargo.

Marsden had filled a basin with well water and began to lather his hands and face with soap when Marie entered their cabin. He looked up and clucked his tongue in disapproval. "Lord," he said. "Look at yourself."
Marie scowled at him as she removed her bandanna and shook loose her short-cropped hair. "How do you expect me to look?" Her plain but pretty face was sweat-streaked. She wore a simple tunic which fell halfway down her thighs and almost matched her sturdy, sun-darkened legs in color, although sweat darkened the back of the garment and left rings of white under the armpits where it had evaporated.
스티븐 말로 (Stephen Marlowe, 본명 Milton Lesser(밀턴 Lesser)는 SF , 미스터리 소설 , 고야 의 가상 자서전을 쓴 미국 작가다. 그는 1955년 소설 The Second Longest Night 를 위해 창작한 탐정 캐릭터 Chester Drum으로 가장 잘 알려졌다. Lesser는 또한 Adam Chase, Andrew Frazer, CH Thames, Jason Ridgway, Stephen Wilder 및 Ellery Queen 이라는 가명을 사용하여 글을 쓰기도 했다.

Stephen Marlowe (born Milton Lesser) is an American author of science fiction, mystery novels, and Goya's fictional autobiography. He is best known for the detective character Chester Drum, which he created for his 1955 novel The Second Longest Night. .Lesser also wrote using the pseudonyms Adam Chase, Andrew Frazer, CH Thames, Jason Ridgway, Stephen Wilder, and Ellery Queen.

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